miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Características de los Seres Vivos

Hoy hemos empezado a trabajar en 5º las Características de los Seres Vivos. Os dejo aquí el enlace a dos vídeos que os pueden servir para repasar. Pinchar sobre las imágenes para verlos. ¡Espero que os sean de utilidad!

The 7 Characteristics of Life
Characteristics of  Living Things

5 comentarios:

  1. It help me to understand the unit of Science

  2. I think is a very helpful video because it explain what is a cell, a tissue...
    It put some things that we have not yet studied, but is okay :)

    1. I agree with you E mma, some words I dont understand

  3. I think it is very interesting because it helps us to study

  4. I think that is very useful to understand
